
Welcome to the sexy world of Cassie Rae - Writer of Erotica Fiction. Sex should be mysterious, passionate, invigorating and fun! And maybe even a little bit scary. Are you ready?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I was tagged in THE NEXT BIG THING Blog Hop by the venerable Lelani Black, author of contemporary sensual romance including the NEW! The Island Moonlight Collection, available at The Wild Rose Press and AMAZON. Mahalo, Lelani! 

Authors tagged have to answer 10 questions about their work and post links to 5 other blogs of authors participating in the BLOG HOP. 

I talk about my short story QUEEN OF SPADES and the process of turning it into a novel. 

What is your working title of your book? 
Hmmmmm…still working on that. 

Where did the idea come from for the book? 
I got such a great response to the character of Suzy in Queen of Spades that I decided to take a peek into some of her other adventures and see what might most interest the readers – and myself. Bringing sex and death together in such close proximity seems to create a very visceral response in the reader – I think that’s why people like Suzy. 

What genre does your book fall under? 
Erotic Action Adventure with a dash of mystery. 

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? 
Suzy would have to be someone bad-ass like Rosario Dawson, or Milla Jovovich. Stephen Moyer of True Blood seems like a good fit for the kind of men I write. And I’d get to meet him, right? 

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
When facing the Queen of Spades, the deck is always stacked--against evil. 

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency? 
 At this point, it looks like I’ll be going the self published route. 

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? 
Still working on it. The original story came together in a matter of days. 

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? 
I can’t say there are too many books I’ve read that attempt this balance between sex and action, but there are a few movies. “La Femme Nikita” comes to mind. 

Who or what inspired you to write this book? 
I've been lucky enough to know some very strong women in my life. Strong physically, mentally and spiritually. There is something about a female character doing something unexpected and brutal. The reader/viewer hopefully gets that feeling of justification, of catharsis. The perfect example for me is The Bride in Kill Bill, as played by Uma Thurman.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest? 
Suzy is very clever in how she goes about her business. It’s not just kill, kill, kill. She’s as much a trickster and a hunter, luring her targets into her trap with her overt sexual confidence, and even taking what she wants sexually, in the course of a mission, not unlike a female James Bond in that regard. I hope readers will be as drawn to reading her as I am to writing her. I know many women who have fantasies of being some kind of Super Bitch, in the sense of being exempt from the expectations of a male-dominated world. Plenty of men seem to find something they like in her as well, for various reasons.

Now check out my fellow Blog Hoppers!

Monday, November 26, 2012

The War on Christmas?

The War on Christmas ~ Give me a F*cking Break. 

    I love Christmas. Love it. I love the lights and the music and the presents and the shiny packages, and spending time with family and friends that I don’t see at any other time. Oh, and the lights. Did I mention the lights? I will go out in the evening just to look at everyone’s lights. I rarely – if ever - have many outside myself. But I give thanks as I roam around enjoying the illuminated hillsides…the many pointed stars, the all-white clusters and the occasional house of many colors. I love them all. The amazing people who light their entire yards and homes and let you drive through slowly with the windows down if you can bear the cold, Christmas music blaring…Santa, reindeer, Mrs. Clause, huge candy canes, and Baby Jesus.    

    I love Baby Jesus. Even love grown up Jesus. I’ve always loved “The Christmas Story” with the stars and the shepherds and most of all the little drummer boy. Some of my favorite songs this time of year are the christian ones. It’s how I was raised. Lights, presents, baby Jesus. Good stuff. 
    And Santa always comes for me. Because I believe. Whether it’s my friend when I was 18 who took me out to his car to show me a backseat full of gifts for me and my sister, or if it was finding out a few years ago that I would indeed have a roof over my head on Christmas Eve. Santa always shows.
    Oh and don’t even get me started on Christmas Eve. THE Night. Growing up – that was the night I spent at my Mom’s house. That’s not where the presents were. Not where the food was. It’s where Mom was. And it will always, always be my favorite night of the year. So… 
    I’m not trying to take away your Christmas – so stop harshing on mine with your ridiculous cries of "War on Christmas." YOU are the one trying to wage a war. Even if no one wants to fight against you. 
   You see – I am a pagan. In my home and even in my yard if I want to, I celebrate what “the Season” means to me. I celebrate the Ancients and the joy they celebrated at confirming that yes – once again the Sun was returning. You know…the Solstice is Dec 21ish…took a few days to confirm that this Life Giving Force was indeed coming back to save the world…so…Dec 25 sounds about right for the big throw down par-tay. Okay. That’s just my take on it. I don’t expect Christmas to mean to anyone what it means to me. 
    The point is that it DOES mean something to me. And I believe it means a lot to most people. So can’t we just all get along and agree that Christmas is MAGICAL. Whether it’s because a tiny baby king was born of a virgin into this world or because even in the darkest of days we have the promise of a returning light to warm the earth, grow our crops, and keep this whole freakin’ planet alive. Let’s just PARTY! 
    May you have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyful Kwanzaa, a Blessed Yule, and everything else…and if nothing else may you still have a great December 25, 2012. And of course – this is all presuming Cthulhu doesn’t show.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Polyamory on Wikipedia (from Greek πολύ [poly], meaning "many" or "several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved.

How did this happen? I’ve always been attracted to women, but I have never actually acted upon it. Until recently. I have been with Sir for many years now. He is my everything. But I longed for the touch of a woman. I had fantasies about pleasuring Sir with the help of another girl. It excited me to no end. But it was a fantasy. Something for my stories. Maybe even, at the furthest reaches of my imagination - a one time drunken adventure. We even had a Celebrity Threesome List. When we both agreed on a hot chick, she went on our threesome list. But that was just pretend. 

And then it happened. She flirted – and he suggested – I balked. Not possible. A fantasy. Who is she, anyway? 

I’m used to women flirting with Sir. That’s part of the reason Sir has such a distaste for social media. It upsets me. So he quit facebook and twitter years ago. He doesn’t like me doing it, but knows that I have to promote my writing. 

She flirted at a meeting. A reunion of sorts. When we got back to the hotel that night, Sir hinted at a threesome. But this was no celebrity, or even a hot waitress that may have made it onto the “list”. This was real. He knew I liked her. She had entertained us throughout the evening with her intellect, lust for life, progressive views and ok…the most beautiful cleavage I’d ever seen. And legs. Legs that were long and firm and magnificent. But there was something different in his tone. He was serious. Why? Why was he serious now? This time? 

I let myself think about it. Could this really happen? “No” I said again. “It’s just too risky.” “Too much could go wrong.” He was quiet. Very careful to seem just the right amount of eager. Wanting me to know he wanted it, but not wanting to deal with my cold shoulder for hours, maybe days if my thoughts shifted in the slightest…if instead of being intrigued and aroused I suddenly became the jealous Daire from hell. 

He left it at that. Leaving me to my own imagination. 

I don’t remember exactly when I went from No to Yes. It was a matter of days. She and I began to make plans for a one time event. It was the very definition of surreal. 

That was two years ago. Today we are Three. A Triad. Our mutual love and respect has continued to grow for one another. None of us expected this. And now we can’t live without each other.

Friday, November 16, 2012


From a female assassin's revenge on a mafia don in QUEEN OF SPADES to a fantastical tale of sexual seduction that ends in horror when you SAY HELLO TO HONEY BEE, you'll be drawn into the sexy and sometimes frightening world of CASSIE RAE. Have some fun with BONNIE & FRIENDS and warm up those chilly nights with the new short story CHICK-SICLE.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


~ a fantastical tale of sexual seduction that ends in horror ~
~ a sticky-sweet tale of erotic horror ~

Terrance’s gaze traced her curves upward.  His hungry eyes met hers, and they shared a smile.  Bee liked his pearly-white smile and the statement it made about how much he wanted her now.  When he sat up and peeled off his dark grey sweater, she saw his ribs expanding and contracting with the rhythm of his breathing, quickened by his growing need for her.  A nice-sized bulge tented his khakis.  His feet worked to push the black boots off.  Bee continued her burlesque, shrugging the blouse off, but letting it gather around her lower arms.  She stepped toward him and placed her foot on the bed between his legs.  She let the blouse slide away and thrust her breasts toward his face, before turning her back to him.  She eased down onto his bulge, not quite settling her weight.

Terrance unclasped her bra, then pushed her hips down to make closer contact between her ass and his groin.  She ground around on him for a moment, then stood.  Terrance hooked the edges of her panties and slipped them down as she rose. 

“That is a sumptuous ass, Honey Bee,” he said.

“Sumptuous.  That’s a new one.”

Bee turned, giving him the full visual experience of her bare breasts, her classic curves, and the tattoo of a bee hive located just above her shaved muff, complete with an amber droplet falling toward her slit.

Terrance chuckled with delight.  “That’s perfect,” he stated.

“I think you’ll find that it truly is,” she answered.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I love writing about sex.  I enjoy sex.  For me, good sex goes beyond this realm.  So it can be a bit uncomfortable when it comes time to talk about causes near and dear to my heart.  One of which is DON'T SELL BODIES.


It's hard to believe, but more humans are being used as slaves than ever before.
Between 700,000 and 4 million women and children will be trafficked this year, with the majority being forced to work in the sex trade. In America, there are an estimated 40,000 men, women and children enslaved at this very moment. If everyone who cares takes action, we can end slavery once and for all.
It's time."

Please join me in supporting this cause.  
Check out my facebook page for more info.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hmmm....What IS this??

Polyamory. Triad.  These are my favorites so far in a long list of words I’ve now found thanks to Wikipedia that barely begin to describe my personal relationship(s).  See.  I’m still trying to figure out how to…articulate it.  Just living it is much easier.  So easy in fact that it happened despite my disbelief in the possibility ~
More to come about my personal adventures…while you wait you should  SAY HELLO TO HONEY BEE.  FREE on Amazon through Monday Nov 12. 

“Honey has a special talent to go with her special beauty. When a stranger rolls into town she agrees to share some sweetness. Does he know what he's in for when he says Hello to Honey Bee?” ~ a sticky-sweet tale of erotic horror ~ FREE TODAY ON AMAZON

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Queen of Spades

Suzy takes her job as an assassin quite seriously.  You don't want to be her next target.  Or maybe you do...
Barnes and Noble NOOK

Bonnie and Friends, Soaking Wet

Bonnie plans a fun weekend with friends, not realizing it would turn into more than she expected but everything she'd ever wanted.